How to ensure the best life expectancy from a single ply roof membrane

flat roof installation

A single ply roof membrane can be the perfect solution for many commercial properties with a flat roof. From substantial UV protection, to effective weather resistance and longevity, there are a number of advantages and benefits to choosing a single ply roof membrane. But how can you ensure the best life expectancy from a single ply roof membrane? Well, here at Enviroply, we are leading commercial roofing professionals. From industrial properties to apartment complexes and schools, we have the skills and experience to deliver top quality roofing systems, tailored to meet your needs and requirements. This is our guide to everything you should know about securing a high life expectancy for your single ply roof.


The quality of single ply roof membranes

Single ply roof membranes have developed and progressed since first use more than 60 years ago, when they were made from PVC. Since then, membranes have been made from longer lasting Phthalate Plasticisers and then TPO’s, which were introduced in the 1990s and do not contain plasticisers. Using the highest quality raw materials, means that single ply membranes are incredibly long lasting. These normally have a life expectancy of between 25 and 40 years which is in line with the service life of the building. However, on most occasions it is not the membrane itself that has developed a problem after this time frame, but instead its the design, or the additional components, that have created an issue in need of repair or replacement. So what can you do to make sure that your single ply roof will have a long life span?


How to ensure the best life expectancy from a single ply roof membrane

There are a number of different aspects to take into account when installing your single ply roof membrane, that can have a knock on effect on the life expectancy. These include:

Implementing a professional roof survey- the quality, condition and structure of the roof is something that needs to be understood, before installation, so that the right tools and materials can be used. If the existing roof is in poor condition, this will need repairing first, otherwise your new roof will be severely compromised.

The roof system design- it is essential that the right calculations are taken into account before your new roof is installed, and that this forms the basis for the roof system design. From wind lift calculations to thermal calculations for the insulation, down to the number of fixings needed on a mechanically installed roof, the roof design needs to be specific and thorough to make sure that your new single ply roof will last.

The other roofing components- all of the components used in the roof system need to be right for the individual roof, and the requirements for the project. This includes the thermal insulation and the right adhesive for securing this, as well as the vapour control layer and the mechanical fixings or adhesive used to secure the entire roof system in place. A single fault with any of these components could see roof failure much earlier than expected.

A professional installation– it is crucial that you choose a professional team to install your single ply roof. Not only will a professional team carry out all of the above steps, but they will also make sure that the result is high quality, professional and up to standard. A single ply membrane is only as good as the installation, and anything sub-standard will result in early roofing problems and more expense for your company or business.

For more information or advice about professional installation for your single ply roof, get in touch with the team today, here at Enviroply Roofing.